Judy's Fall Fabulous Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Judy's Fall Fabulous Bouquet - Is a strikingly tall. ALL AROUND, vase that serves as a stunning centerpiece, showcasing a vibrant arrangement of flowers. The base is filled with lush tropical foliage, creating a rich green foundation that enhances the vivid colors above.

At the forefront, the bold Orange Asiatic lilies stand tall, their trumpet-shaped blooms radiating warmth and energy. Nestled among them are soft, romantic roses, adding a touch of elegance with their delicate petals.

The arrangement features unique anthurium, their glossy red and green leaves adding a modern twist, while bronze mums bring a warm, earthy hue that complements the overall palette. The cheerful butterscotch daisy poms introduce a playful brightness, harmonizing beautifully with the vibrant blooms.

Dark, rich burgundy pom pons provide depth, their rounded shapes contrasting nicely with the more elongated flowers. To finish, sprigs of aster and lush florist greens add texture and movement, making the entire arrangement feel lively and dynamic.

This tall vase arrangement is not only a feast for the eyes but also a celebration of color and form, perfect for any occasion!

Judy's Fall Fabulous Bouquet



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